Hi, I'm Miguel

Postdoc researcher
ITS / Technical University of Denmark

What I am about.

I'm a Postdoc researcher at the Technical University of Denmark, where I'm currently working on a framework for finding optimal climate adaptation policies through a combination of reinforcement learning and agent-based simulation. Delving deeper, this tool seeks to find dynamic links between flooding events, transport, health, and wellbeing and uncover how optimal adaptation policies can be discovered to maximize societal wellbeing.
Previously, I obtained my PhD (magna cum laude) in Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal, where I focused on understanding both objective and subjective urban cycling safety using a machine learning approach. My research focused on understanding and predicting how cyclists' safety is influenced by the context where cyclists cycle and the surrounding built environment.

CV (as of 14/05/2024)


Research Interests

  • Cycling
  • Safety Research
  • Urban Mobility
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • Computer Vision
  • Machine Learning

Selected Works


Cycling geo-located accidents, their details and severities

CYCLANDS is a curated collection of 30 datasets on cycling crashes to lower the barrier in objective cycling research comprising nearly 1.6M cycling accidents. This data is vital for road safety analysis, enabling researchers to develop models to understand how different factors impact the frequency and severity of accidents. Observations include the severity and location of the accident, aiming to foster the worldwide study of cycling safety by providing a testbed for researchers.

Lisbon's Circuity Analysis

Urban Street Networks,
Cycling Infrastructure Changes,

Circuity, the ratio of network distances to straight-line distances, is considered a critical measurement in urban network morphology and transportation efficiency as it can measure the attractiveness of routes in terms of distance traveled. Here, we compare circuity measures for drivable, cyclable, and walkable networks to analyze how they evolved and understand whether urban changes have produced meaningful circuity changes.


Perception of Safety,
Focus of Expansion,
Android App

Development of different metrics to assess the risk perception of a cyclist when riding a bike in an urban scenario. In this domain, the trajectory of the cyclist is considered, as well as other stationary or moving objects in its vicinity, its change in speed, acceleration and its geographic positioning (given by the smartphone) and the effort/stress of the rider, by analyzing their heart rate variability in an ECG.


Sidewalk Evaluation,
RGBD Processing

Development of a device capable of automatically digitalize and map a network of sidewalks in a city. This mapping will allow for the further development of support applications with the objective of guiding pedestrians in cities with various mobility needs. This project was funded by Thales TecInnov 1st Edition.




  1. Costa, M., Azevedo, C. L., Siebert, F. W., Marques, M., Moura, F. (2024). Unraveling the Relation between Cycling Accidents and Built Environment Typologies: Capturing Spatial Heterogeneity through a Latent Class Discrete Outcome Model. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 200, 107533. Link


  1. Costa, M., Marques, M., Roque, C., & Moura, F. (2022). CYCLANDS: Cycling geo-located accidents, their details and severities. Scientific Data, 9(1), 1-9. Link
  2. Costa, M., Félix, R., Marques, M., & Moura, F. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on the behavior change of cyclists in Lisbon, using multinomial logit regression analysis. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 100609. Link


  1. Costa, M.; Marques, M.; Moura, F. (2021). A Circuity Temporal Analysis of Urban Street Networks Using Open Data: A Lisbon Case Study. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf., 10, 453. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi10070453 Link

Conference Papers (with and without procedia)


  1. Costa, M., Manuel, M., Siebert, F. W., Azevedo, C. L., Moura, F. (2023). Understanding Perception of Cycling Safety through Pairwise Image Comparisons. International Cycling Safety Conference 2023. The Hague, The Netherlands.
  2. Costa, M., Manuel, M., Siebert, F. W., Azevedo, C. L., Moura, F. (2023). Scoring Cycling Environments Perceived Safety using Pairwise Image Comparisons. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC). IEEE. Bilbao, Spain. Link
  3. Costa, M., Siebert, F. W., Manuel, M., Azevedo, C. L., Moura, F. (2023). Understanding cyclists'perception of safety using eye tracking. Grupo de Estudos de Transportes 2023. Oeiras, Portugal.


  1. Costa, M., Manuel, M., Siebert, F. W., Azevedo, C. L., Moura, F. (2022). Objective and Subjective Risk Mapping for Urban Cyclists. EIT Doctoral Training Network Annual Forum 2022. Barcelona, Spain.
  2. Costa, M., Manuel, M., Siebert, F. W., Azevedo, C. L., Moura, F. (2022). Cycling Safety Data Augmentation in the Urban Environment: A Barcelona Case Study. International Cycling Safety Conference 2022. Dresden, Germany.
  3. Karina Christ, A., Costa, M., Marques, M., Roque, C., and Moura, F. (2022). Perceiving objective cycling safety: a systematic literature review. In Transportation Research Arena. Lisboa, Portugal. Link
  4. Karina Christ, A., Costa, M., Marques, M., Roque, C., and Moura, F. (2022). Percebendo a segurança objetiva dos ciclistas urbanos: uma revisão sistemática da literatura. 10º Congresso Rodoferroviário Português, Lisboa, Portugal Link
  5. Costa, M., Marques, M., Moura, F. (2022). Como é que as redes rodoviárias, pedonais e cicláveis mudam ao longo do tempo? Uma análise da rectilinearidade em Lisboa, Portugal. 10º Congresso Rodoferroviário Português, Lisboa, Portugal Link
  6. Costa, M., Manuel, M., Siebert, F. W., Azevedo, C. L., Moura, F. (2022). Objective and Subjective Risk Mapping for Urban Cyclists. Grupo de Estudos de Transportes 2022. Porto, Portugal.


  1. Costa, M., Manuel, M., Moura, F. (2021). Objective and Subjective Risk Mapping for Urban Cyclists. EIT Doctoral Training Network Annual Forum 2021. Munich, Germany.
  2. Costa, M., Félix, R., Manuel, M., Moura, F. (2021). Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on the Behavior Change of Cyclists in Lisbon, using multinomial logit regression analysis. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting 2021. Washington DC, USA.


  1. Costa, M., Manuel, M., Moura, F. (2020). Objective and Subjective Risk Mapping for Urban Cyclists. EIT Doctoral Training Network Annual Forum 2020. Munich, Germany.


  1. Costa, M., Cambra, P., Manuel, M., Moura, F. (2019). Bike Rider - Sensorial Mapping of Cyclable Paths. Velo-City 2019 'Cycling for the Ages'. Dublin, Ireland.
  2. Costa, M., Cambra, P., Moura, F., Marques, M. (2019, October). WalkBot: A Portable System to Scan Sidewalks. In 2019 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2) (pp. 167-172). IEEE. Link
  3. Cambra, P., Costa, M., Marques, M., Moura, F.(2019). WalkBot – Desenvolvimento de um Equipamento de Avaliação da Qualidade da Infraestrutura Pedonal com Recurso a Processamento de Imagem Tridimensional, in Congresso Rodoviário Português, Lisbon, Portugal Link


  1. Costa, M., Cambra, P., Manuel, M., Moura, F. (2018). WalkBot: A Portable System to Scan Sidewalks. LARSyS 2018 Annual Meeting. Lisbon, Portugal.
  2. Costa, M., Manuel, M., Moura, F. (2018). Smartbike: Cyclists’ Perception of Risk. LARSyS 2018 Annual Meeting. Lisbon, Portugal.


  1. Costa, M.; Quintino Ferreira, B.; Marques, M. (2017). A Context Aware and Video-Based Risk Descriptor for Cyclists, in 2017 IEEE 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation, Yokohama, Japan Link
  2. Costa, M., Manuel, M., Moura, F. (2017). A Context Aware and Video-Based Risk Descriptor for Cyclists. Ciência 2017 – Meeting with Science and Technology. Lisbon, Portugal.


  1. Costa, M., Manuel, M., Moura, F. (2016). Mobility in Cities: Assessing Experiences Using a Smartphone. Ciência 2016 – Meeting with Science and Technology. Lisbon, Portugal.

PhD Thesis

Costa, M. (2024). Objective and Subjective Safety Mapping for Urban Cyclists. PhD in Transportation Systems, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal.

MSc Thesis

Costa, M. (2017). Video-Based Risk Assessment for Cyclists, M.S. thesis, Dept. Elect. And Comp. Eng., UTL, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal PDF
